"The 2017 Winner"

The city of Mosul is one of Iraq’s principal cities located approximately 250 miles north of Baghdad, the city stands on the west bank of the Tigris River, opposite the ancient Assyrian city of Nineveh on the east bank (Map 1). It is the capital of the northern Iraqi Governorate of Nineveh and Iraq’s second largest city after Baghdad. Mosul District is the most populated of Nineveh’s nine districts with over 2 Million pre-Daesh population.  Mosul has a hot climate with extremely dry hot summers (record high 49 °C) and moderately wet, relatively cool winters (average low 12 °C).  Its relative wealth and strategic significance grew after oil fields were discovered nearby in the 1920s and a major oil pipeline was built in Turkey.
In June 2014, Daesh stunned the world by seizing Mosul, Iraq’s second-largest city.  Now Mosul is the last major Iraqi population center under Daesh control, with all others having already been retaken by Iraqi government forces. In October 2016 the Iraqi government launched an offensive to retake the city from Daesh — an offensive which until the time of writing this document has liberated major areas in Nineveh and the Left Bank of Mosul city.                        
​For a better understanding of the city of Mosul please refer to this report issued by UN-Habitat: Click Here


Mosul witnessed further deterioration of conditions after Daesh occupation and allied air strikes, facilities for education, healthcare, water, sanitation, electricity, and communications services were damaged or severely restricted by Daesh.
It is estimated that between 50 and 75 per cent of the city’s governmental buildings are destroyed; these include public directorate, university, and public utility buildings. This will place additional burdens on stabilization, reconstruction and developmental responses in Mosul. The threat dwells of a potential post-liberation conflict, in part due to the displacement of rightful property owners. There are qualified fears the emergence of ‘property mafias’ will monopolise from the unstable situation. Such fears raise the question of rightful property ownership for individuals and communities during the early liberation period.
The impending housing crisis will put further strain on the city as neighbourhoods are freed and internally displaced persons (IDP’s) or refugees return home- albeit to nothing but complete desolation.

General Housing shortage in Mosul
Mosul city suffers from a chronic housing shortage.  The deficit in housing units in Nineveh is estimated to have reached 172,000 units in mid-2016, with a 53,000 units’ deficit in Mosul alone. The major contributing factors to this shortage can be defined as:  1) the scarcity of tracts of land for new housing projects; 2) the failure to update the city’s 1973 master plan and create formal urban expansion zones for housing development (Un-Habitat, 2016).
Only three housing complexes were built in Al-Yarmuk, Al-Arabi, and Al-Karama neighbourhoods in the 1980s. The Al-Hadbaa project near Tal Al-Ruman is the only recent public residential project (although only partially completed). This was later confiscated by Daesh.
New housing provision was limited to the private sector. The housing demands of poorer members of society  were mainly met in the old city of Mosul where existing buildings became cramped with families living in shared accommodation (Un-Habitat, 2016).
After 2003, informal settlements became a housing solution and a lucrative business, causing additional pressure on public utility networks and services. Before the fall of Mosul, there were no national policies in place to regularise informal settlements.
The foreseeable challenge:
Following Daesh’s takeover of Mosul, investments in the housing sector and all ongoing projects were halted. As many people abandoned the city, the vacant housing units were taken over by Daesh fighters’ families and followers. To date, although the city’s existing housing stock has not suffered complete physical Destruction, certainly compared to Syrian contexts the city has however  suffered from a protracted lack of maintenance.
Further destruction in the hot spots around Mosul and inside the city is likely to put additional pressure on housing within the city. IDPs living in Mosul city may not be able to return to their hometowns and new IDPs may join them as the battles to retrieve their areas from Daesh intensify. With the lack of an updated and effectual master plan for the city, it would not be surprising to see informal settlements proliferate and new encroachments on the city’s agricultural hinterlands taking place.
The United Nations and the International Organisation of Migrants warned that the current number of internally displaced people from Mosul is estimated at over 500,000 (January 2017) and could reach 1.2 Million as the military operations continue. Some formal IDP camps have been established, but they will not have the capacity to accommodate the majority of new displacements.
The 53.000 units’ deficit is predicted to significantly rise due to the current military operation to retake the city of Mosul from Daesh.

The conditions for returning refugees and internally displaced are extremely challenging. The question of how to support those who wish to return to their homeland will become extremely pressing. Limited resources in terms of finance and land mean that carefully considered material and spatial responses are needed.

Participants are asked to propose a solution for the Mosul’s upcoming housing crisis, which will affect the city as more neighbourhoods will be freed and internally displaced persons and refugees will start to return.

Design a prototype for affordable housing for the post-Daesh Mosul, which can be easily replicated with the objective of increasing the capacity of housing in the city and providing a practical and inspiring solution for returnees

Design a prototype for affordable housing for the post-Daesh Mosul, which can be easily replicated with the objective of increasing the capacity of housing in the city and providing a practical and inspiring solution for returnees

prototype can be anything from a house to a whole neighbourhood. 

No minimum size or amount of residential units per block is specified. The proposals should be flexible enough to adapt to various sizes with different inhabitant capacity requirements.
The designs should also be adaptable, allowing adjustments to be made in order to suit different residential capacity requirements.   It is required to provide a detailed scheme of the typical unit(s) and the principle of their arrangement in large groups.

Participants are permitted to choose any location within the city of Mosul for their proposal.

02 / FEBRUARY / 2017 – Official announcement of the competition and Early bird registration.

15 / JUNE / 2017 – Start of the Standard registration.

01 / SEPTEMBER / 2017 – Closing date for Registration.

04 / SEPTEMBER / 2017 – Closing date for Submissions.

11 / NOVEMBER / 2017 – Announcement of Results.

​TBA – Annual Tamayouz Excellence Award Ceremony.

All Deadlines are 11:59 pm GMT (London)

Participants required to submit the following 
1- One – A0 board in JPEG format, Every team is encouraged to submit all the information they consider necessary to explain their proposal. Content may include but not limited to plans, sections, elevations, visualisations, diagrams, etc.  The resolution of the boards must be 150dpi with the unique registration number placed in the upper left corner of the board in 18 pt font.

NOTE: All files must be named after the 
unique registration number
1 X A0  JPEG – 150 dpi

RELEVANCE  – A clear declaration of conditions that set the contextual parameters of the project through identification of local challenges, construction and living culture.

RESPONSE – Aspirational and original projects with programmatic response to existing environmental and social conditions and local challenges including water shortages, electricity and waste..

RESOLUTION – Spatial, material and technical justification.  Clarity of design process.

IMPACT – Clear definition of positive transformative social, spatial and environmental impact of the project.

VISION – Aesthetic, material and technical ambitions.

1. This is an anonymous competition and the Unique Registration Number is the only means of identification.
2. The official language of the award is English.
3. The registration fee for this award is non-refundable.
4. Contacting the Jury is prohibited.
5. Tamayouz Award, as the award organiser, reserves the right to modify the award schedule if deemed necessary.
6. Entries will not be reviewed if any of the rules or submission requirements are not considered.
7. Participation assumes acceptance of the regulations.

Please send any questions to 
Q: Who can register?
A: Anyone is welcome to register- This an open international competition.

Q: How many people are allowed per team?
A: A maximum of four people are allowed per team.

Q: How many projects can be submitted per team?
A: One project per team. Teams who wish to submit multiple designs can register their team multiple times.

Q: How do I submit my work?
A: You can submit your work by emailing it to us on Tamayouz.award@gmail.com

Q: How do I register for the competition?
A: You can register by paying the registration fee, once the payment is confirmed it will automatically take you to information page where you enter your information.

Q: What forms of payment do you accept?
A: Online Payments; Paypal and Credit Cards, wire transfer (Europe and US) and if none of the before is suitable please get in touch with us on the email above.

Q: Can we submit printed boards?
A: No, all submissions must be in digital format as outlined in the competition brief.

Q: Is there a specific program requirement?
A:  No, participants have complete freedom of establishing their own program, site and conceptual agenda.

Q: What is the height requirement?
A:  There is no specific height requirement.

Q: Is it possible to do underground floors?
A:  Yes, There are no design restrictions.

Q: Should I design a temporary structure or permanent building?
A: Your design should be a prototype for a permanent structure.

Q: How many team members can be involved in my project?
A: Four members maximum.

Q: Can I share my project on social media before the announcement of the winners?
A:  Projects may NOT be shared before the announcement of the Winners.

Q: Can a name or a company logo be included on a board or DOC document?
A: Submission materials should NOT include any company logo or identification, boards with any identification on it will be disqualified without notification.

Q:  Should I use metric or imperial units if my I need to show dimensions?
​A:  Either metric or imperial units may be used.

Q: Is there a specific site for my project?
A:  There is no specific site suggested as long as it is in the City of Mosul.

Q: Is there a specific City?
A: Yes, the City of Mosul.

Q: Should I use Manual, freehand or digital presentation?
A:  There are no restrictions regarding presentations as long as the team is submitting a digital copy satisfying the requirements specified in the brief.